Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are you a Thrifty Fashionista...You gotta watch this!

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 I personally HATE paying full retail for anything, especially clothes. While yes I do shop in regular retail malls and stores for certain pieces and accessories. I mainly obtain some of the basic building blocks of my wardrobe from Thrift stores.
 YUP, you know those dusty, disorganized, used clothes stores. You may even think to yourself...if someone donated it then something MUST be wrong with it. Also who wants a closet full of out of season out of date clothes? If you are thinking these types of thoughts...your partially right...but also kinda wrong. Thrift stores do contain used clothing, and some of it its damaged or worn and unwearable imo. However their are also awesome finds on those racks that are worth the search and find mission. It is understandable that thift stores can become overwhelming and frustrating to shoppers because they are normally not organized, tend to be cluttered and kinda crowded.
  Anytime I'm thift store shopping I totally zone out, put my Ipod full blast and just search the racks until I find what I'm looking for....and sometimes a few things I wasn't looking
 I must admit too be able to shop at Goodwill, Salvation Army, Charity Stores, and Family Thirft stores etc. requires patience, time, a bit of humility and a good eye. However if you are willing to give it a try it not only becomes a fun hobby but saves you a great amount of money in the long run.  Here are a few basic tips on how anyone could maximize their thrift store shopping experience.

Enjoy the video....

Along with finding staple wardrobe builders such as cardigan sets, button down shirts, suit separates, can also find great vintage authentic designer accessories and handbags. Again keep your eyes open...know you real from fake products so you don't waste your money on a used knock-off.
 I prefer to mix my thrift finds with the current trends and the entire image a polished look. It is nice to be able to change your look up with a few thrift finds, without damaging your budget.

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