Sunday, November 20, 2011

Easing the Annoyance of JetLag...Sleep Like a Baby

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Finally a natural jetlag/insomnia solution that really does work....yeeaaahhh. If you are like me and travel from time zone to time zone weekly, you too probably also suffer from chronic jetlag and insomnia. *sigh* the downside of constant travel.
  I personally need to get more rest to allow my body to heal from some internal ailments, so finding a remedy for this jetlag has taken priority in my life. I’ve had to find ways to make me sleep without using harsh drugs and chemicals:0/…. So far these tips have been a HUGE lifesaver and very effective. I not only fall asleep I wake up with more energy and focus to handle anything I have to get done for the day.
   Depending on the number of days your trip will have you  away from your home time zone is going to determine intially how you "set" your bodies time clock. This will also vary on how many time zones you cross over into. Here are a few senerios for example:
A: You live on the east coast but will be traveling to the west coast for 3 days. The best way to ensure your body suffers the least amount of jetlag is actually to remain on your regular time zone. Sounds strange but realize this is only a 3 day trip...not a full 5-7 day week. To better adjust go to sleep at the regular time you would at home. When its midnight in L.A. its actually 3am in New York, unless you are up partying it would better suit your body to go to rest at that time.
B: You are going on a 7 day internatinal trip to Asia. There is a 12 hour time change and it is a 12 hour fight. Try to actually stay up during the flight...walk around and stretch your muscles, meditate, read and watch movies. When you land, this is when you should take a nap and wake up in the countries perspective timezone. i.e. You land at 8am set your alarm clock to their time to wake up in the afternoon and continue your day at that point on that timezone. This helps you adjust to sleeping and waking up more rested to fully enjoy your trip while there.
...Coming back from such a long trip simply do the same thing, to re-adjust back to your home timezone.

For those of us who constanly do this type of traveing on a weekly bases we may need more help to allow the brain to relax and the body to adjust to the various time zones. Honesty I actually live in a central time zone yet I work on the east well as travel globally. So my sleep pattern is a hot mess and was all over the place, if I slept at all. But these steps have truely helped me get on a more regulated sleep schedule.
Trader Joes Organic Ginger Pear and Decaf Green Tea
Melatonin 3mg
Step1: About 1hour- 45 mins before you think you may want to sleep drink a cup of natural herbal tea. I’m a Trader Joes fan so I currently choose between:
  • Organic Green Tea
  • Chamomille and Jasmine Blend
  • Ginger Pear Blend
If Im at home I’ll add Honey…if Im on the road ill add 1/2 tsp Stevia.
Step2: Take 1~ 3mg Melatonin tablet....Melatonin is also available in doses up too 10mg, however thats too powerful for my system. It is  a natural sleep aid, yet very potent so only take this when you are comfy and ready to drift off to sleep.
Step3: Drop the temp of the room to about 65-70 degrees…chilly but not cold. Chose a temp that not too hot so that you can avoid waking up during the night due to sweating and hot flashes.

ITunes Sleep Aid Apps ~ Free
Step4: Ambience mood noises can calm the mind mind and help relax the body. So I have downloaded a few sleep and meditation apps on my Ipad(hotel room or at home) and Iphone(on airplane) thats wonderful for peaceful sounds. I prefer the Australian Beach, Cave, Spa Music, or Light Rain sounds to help me drift off to sleep.
Once this all kicks in prepare to sleep like a baby..quickly and actually the entire night. I’m really amazed that this really works for me and hopes it works for you as well.
Safe travels and Sweet dreams. Don't forget to subscribe:0)...Thank You!
Flying over Los Angelos California

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