Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to Obtain Great Glowing Skin...Naturally

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   First things first if you have serious acne or skin disorders seek medical advice from your dermatologist.

  I have defintily tried more than my fair share of skin care products to combate my oily combination skin and hormonal acne flare ups. Popular drug store brands such as Clean & Clear and Aveeno too more expensive department store products like Murad and Dermalogica. And while I have had a few successes with some of these products in the long run I always ended up back at square one. A bad break out followed by ugly blemish scares. So I decided to take a different 100% natural approach, to my delight I now have great skin! Here is a break down of my ohh natural breakthough on skincare.

1: Hydration...HyDraTion...Hyyyydraaation! okay dont know how many ways I can tell you this. I know you hear it all the time, yet for some reason it goes in one ear and out the other. Its sooo true and so vital that you drink as much water as you can to flush toxins from your body and keep your cells hydrated.
~ Also some breakouts are due to an unbalanced diet -aka- to much junk food and not enough fruit and veggies. As well as stress...lawd knows I have have more than my fair share of stress zits.
So try to keep in mind to balance your skin you also need to actually balance your life. Breakouts can be a way your body is communicating with you something is internally unadjusted.

2: Clean off all make-up and impurities every night...another duhhh rule huh. BUT did you know cleaning your face with oil commonly called OCM, will actually gently and throughly pull impurities from your pores. There is a method to cleaning your face with oils, and sometimes it may require and trial to find which oils will work best for you. Meaning some people swear by castor oil...I however cannot use castor oil as it will cause little pimples all over my face. I prefer to use coconut oil and/or argan oil as the oils to clean my face.
 You simply pour about a nickel sized amount of oil in your hand and in circular motions rub the oil all over your face. Its also an awesome make-up remover, including masacra and is gentle on the eyes. Once you are satisfied with the oil coverage then take a very warm preferrable white face clothe and lay it on the face for a moment, then wipe away the oil, impurities, and dirt. You can repeat the process of rinsing a second time to make sure you remove all the excess oil. Once you are satisfied its all removed then slash cold water on your face to close your pores.
  When I do not use OCM to clean my face I use liquid african black soap. This is a great natural soap cleanser, and is known to help heal blemishes and dark spots from the skins surface. At times it can be a bit drying so I use it in moderation.

3.Exfoliate....But not too often or too harsh. Exfoliation is simply helping your skin sloth off old dull dead layers of cells and allowing new healthy cells to shine thru. Its not suppose to Some store exfoliants use ground up nut shells and other large grandulates to provide the exfoliating feel which in turn actually scratches and damages the skin. Instead try baking soda....yup regular old Arm & Hammer .50cent baking soda. It is a super gentle exfoliant that can be mixed with water, oil, or even lemon juice for an extra blemish removing boost. Apply it to the skin in small circular motions with gentle pressure, and rinse away with lukewarm water. Exfoliation should be done once a week or twice a week during times when your skin feels oilier than normal. You can also just exfoliate your T-zone or areas where oil production is greater.

4. Toning... I actually do not use toner every day. I use it at night to make sure all residue is removed when I wear full makeup during the day. Swipe my T-zone before applying  make-up primer, and after I work out. Toner is for those of use with oily skin, it helps remove the excess oil and tighten the pores. There are like a zillion toners on the market, I however only use 1 natural and very effective mixture. 1/2 Witch hazel & 1/2 Rosewater....Witch hazel acts as an astringent and Rosewater keeps my skin feeling moisturized, but not oily and counteracts the drying effect witch hazel alone can cause. This mixture is also awesome for setting make-up and as a in-flight refresher spray. just pour it into a small spray bottle and toss it in your make-up bag or carry-on.

5. Moisture...This is also another important step that for some reason people with oily skin do not think applies to them. Even oily skin needs healthy moisture, the key os not clogging the pores of your skin. So it is normally highly recommended to use an oil free moisturizer. Now here is a kicker to this....I actually use pure oil as a moisturizer and my skin LUV's it. I gotta tell yeah I was nervious to try this, but now I'm totally hooked. I use less than a dime sized amount of 100% pure Argan Oil or 100% pure Jojoba oil to moisturize my face in the morning and at night. These oils fully absorb into the skin and do not clog nor block the pores. Jojoba is actually the oil closest to the sebum our skin naturally produces, so its not harmful. Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and helps the cells repair a wonderful glow to the skin without an oily feel to the touch.

Pure Argan Oil
6. Treatments....These are not required but certainly enhance skincare and help remove unwanted blemishes.
~Have an unwanted zip: Mix distilled water and Salt in a bowl and warm it *you can use the microwave* Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and then place the cotton ball saturated with the mixture on the problem area. Hold it there 5 min's...and repeat as required. It draws all the puss and impurities to a head of the zit and you can safely extract it if you have a sterile extraction tool. Or exfoliate the area to gently sloth it away over time.

Aztec Bentonite Clay avail @ Whole Foods $8.99
~ Enlarged Pores driving you crazy: Use Bentonite clay (Green Clay) to reduce them in size. Simply mix the clay with apple cider vinger, tea tree oil and water. Apply to the face and allow to sit until mask dries normally about 15 mins. Rinse away with a warm white wash clothe. This an be done 1-2 times per month to reduce the appearence of pores size and draw impurities from the skin.
~ Body Blemish Care: Exfoliate the body every other day with a natural loofah, pat dry the skin and apply a mixture of Pure Shea Butter and Vitamin E oil to the problem areas. Softens the skin as well as help fade blemishes and soothe stretch marks.

  I hope these natural tips for great skin help you as much as they have helped me. Please Subscribe!:0)

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