Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kickin Oil Slick Skin to the Curb! Amazing Bentonite Clay

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June is right around the corner and that means hot humid weather. If you have combo skin like me, this also means annoying oily skin and a shiny As much as I LoVe summer, I hate dealing with my oily t-zone. Not to fret a powerhouse of nature can help not only clear out pores and remove oil and debris...but also tighten the skin and reduce the size of pores...thus reducing those nasty forehead oil slicks. Its the power of the pulse also known as Aztec Bentonite Green Clay here to save the day.
*Bonus* this quick summer facial only takes 10 mins of your day to see great results, you could do this once a week or bi-weekly.
All you need:
(l-r) Coconut Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin E, Aztec Healing Clay and a mixing bowl & teaspoonI prefer to use Coconut Vinegar in my facial mixtures and ACV in my hair mixtures, due to the acidity levels. Coconut Vinegar is slightly less acidic but not by much. 
  Take 3 teaspoons of Aztec Clay add it to the mixing bowl...
  Add 6-8 drops of Vitamin E and stir together.
  Then slowly add vinegar while stirring. Adding just enough so that the mixture is smooth but not runny. 
Stir until its a evenly smooth consistency and not too runny or thick.
As shown on the video clip it should glide on the face and adhere. This not only minimizes any mess, but also insures your skin is getting all the benefits from the clay mixture. Also make sure its evenly spread and not too thick in any area on your face. If its too think it will be difficult to rinse off later. 
Now that you have it applied get ready to feel the pulse:0)....Don't be alarmed this is the clay doing its magic; detoxing the skin and tightening those enlarged pores.
I applied it over my entire face. But it could also just be applied to problem oily areas like the T-zone.
As the mask dries it will start to harden and crack, this is normal.  Allow it to sit for about 10 mins.
It takes about 8-10 minutes for the mask to harden and you can loosen it with a white steamy face clothe. Just tilt head back and place the hot damp towel on the face for a minute or 2. Then remove the mask with  warm water or a facial brush if you have one. I then follow up by swiping my T-zone with witch hazel and applying an oil free facial moisturizer with SPF for sun protection. When its hot and sticky out, I skip on the makeup and just allow my skin to breath and sweat.
Healthy skin never goes out of style and this simple mask is a key element in my skin care regimen:0)

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