Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ayuverdic Spa Care Indulgence. Pamper yourself on a budget!

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Anytime I'm under stress or pressure I have to just unwind and purge my body of toxins *aside from champagne*...I actually drink champagne when I do spa

Anyway... I normally complete a clarification treatment at the end of the month, so I decided to go ahead and handle it today. When I travel to the middle east I stock up on Ayuverdic oils, powders and haircare. So on this latest trip to Dubai earlier this month I re-stocked my cabinet with Pure Amla oil & Amla Powder, Blackseed Oil and Wheat Germ.
Today I  mixed together a SUPER mask consisting of not only Clarifying Bentonite Clay and Nourishing Amla powder. After shifting the powders together I combined an oil blend of 1 tsp each:
Wheat Germ Oil
BlackSeed Oil
Sulfur Oil
Olive Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Once adding the oils 1 by 1 to the powders it makes it clumpy. Simply loosen the clumps with the spoon so everything is evenly distributed.

I then added a hot mixture of Black English Tea and Aloe Vera Juice into the powder/oils. Mix until its completely mixed with a nice consistency that is easy to apply to the hair. After the mixture is the consistency I like ( not to thick and not too runny an thin) I allow it to sit about an hour to allow all the ingredients too "breathe" together and really absorb into the powders.

I prefer to apply Ayuverdic mask to damp freshly washed hair so that it really adheres to the hair. To make the application easier I apply it in the shower after shampoo'ing the hair. I used Nioxin and Cream of Nature Argan Shampoo . I mix these two products together because while the Nioxin thickens the hair its also drying. The Cream of Nature Argan shampoo balances out that drying effect with moisture so my hair doesn't feel stripped. After allowing the shampoo to sit 5 mins and rinsing throughly.

 I then apply the mask from root to tip in sections and massage it onto my scalp.
I allow the mask to sit on my hair normally  4-5 hours or even overnight for best penetration and enhancement of my coils. You can determine how long is best for you to leave it on, as it does vary for me from time to time.
Once this is rinsed I then Deep Condition with a moisture rich mask and apply leave-in's and style as usual.
Once this mask is fully rinsed so are all my tensions and stress. Not only does my hair feel great so does my overall vibe. Check it out Ayuverdic care really does help calm the body as well as enhance the hair.
Its a Win-Win:0)
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is Faster Hair Growth Possible??....Can GroAutOil Deliver Speedy Length

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Hello Beauty of a Jetsetter blog readers:0)
Yesterday I tweeked my hair regimen just a bit to follow along with the Gro Aut Oil Solutions recommendations on their website . I did this because I want to know the true results of using their hair oil product and I dont want any janky
So here is the link to the actual website so you can check it out for yourself and get a better idea about the oil, as well as the other products they offer.
I'm also apart of the community and the GroAut Oil Lovers group which is currently holding a video competion so I posted a quick starter video that I will edit again once the competition is over. The timeframe for the competition is October 21,2011 thru January 20, 2012.

Soooo I'll definitly keep you guys posted on my progress:0)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are you a Thrifty Fashionista...You gotta watch this!

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 I personally HATE paying full retail for anything, especially clothes. While yes I do shop in regular retail malls and stores for certain pieces and accessories. I mainly obtain some of the basic building blocks of my wardrobe from Thrift stores.
 YUP, you know those dusty, disorganized, used clothes stores. You may even think to yourself...if someone donated it then something MUST be wrong with it. Also who wants a closet full of out of season out of date clothes? If you are thinking these types of thoughts...your partially right...but also kinda wrong. Thrift stores do contain used clothing, and some of it its damaged or worn and unwearable imo. However their are also awesome finds on those racks that are worth the search and find mission. It is understandable that thift stores can become overwhelming and frustrating to shoppers because they are normally not organized, tend to be cluttered and kinda crowded.
  Anytime I'm thift store shopping I totally zone out, put my Ipod full blast and just search the racks until I find what I'm looking for....and sometimes a few things I wasn't looking
 I must admit too be able to shop at Goodwill, Salvation Army, Charity Stores, and Family Thirft stores etc. requires patience, time, a bit of humility and a good eye. However if you are willing to give it a try it not only becomes a fun hobby but saves you a great amount of money in the long run.  Here are a few basic tips on how anyone could maximize their thrift store shopping experience.

Enjoy the video....

Along with finding staple wardrobe builders such as cardigan sets, button down shirts, suit separates, can also find great vintage authentic designer accessories and handbags. Again keep your eyes open...know you real from fake products so you don't waste your money on a used knock-off.
 I prefer to mix my thrift finds with the current trends and the entire image a polished look. It is nice to be able to change your look up with a few thrift finds, without damaging your budget.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lets JetSet to D.C...Sightseeing the MLK Monument and Mall

I lived in Alexandria Va. for 5 years which is located about 20 mins outside the district of Wasington D.C.. I never really got around to visiting the national monuments located in the heart of the city. Don't get me wrong I would visit the district all the time to shop of I guess its one of those things when people sometimes overlook whats directly in their backyard and travel to other places to sightsee. It is not until I moved to Houston Texas that I have now decided I need to pay a visit to the natioanl monumens in D.C. Also the new Martin Luther King monument definitly aided in this new found spark to take a moment to sightsee the National Monuments.  So I took a flight into Reagen National Airport(DCA) and took the transit downtown.

Arial View of Monuments near DCA airport
The transit is very simple and convient to take downtown, with the added bonus of not having to worry about parking. The other great thing about how the city is its organized in a grid so even if you get lost you can find your starting point again by simply making the block. Also the major monuments are all along the National Mall

The National Mall map
My ultimate goal on this trip is to visit the new Martin Luther King Jr monument and take in the other monuments as I walk over. So I'm going to head over towards the left side of this map
You could actually take a free tour to the top Washington Monument, however tours were closed today so I could not take one. They are still repairing the structural cracks that occured from the earthquake. But if you do go its nice to take in the arial view from the top its the tallest structure in the nations capital.

Next I took a quick stop thru the WWII memorial  on my way to the Lincoln Memorial...

 Normally in this area are the actual vets of the wars and you could speak with them and give them respect in person if you would like.  

 Unfortunatly at this time the refelction pool is nothing but dirt and construction equipment...

So obviously I cannot post any beautiful pics of walking along the reflection pool on the way to the Lincoln Memorial. Feel free to use your

The Lincoln Memorial is really quit a beautiful statue. This area is also one of the more crowded places to visit.
Inside the monument are the famous Lincoln speeches engraved onto the left and right walls.
Once leaving the Lincoln memorial if you walk towards the left you will encounter the Korean War memorial. Of the war memorials to me this was the most beautiful due to the black etched reflection wall. There are also statues of soldiers in the brush. I only took video footage of this area, not pictures. Feel free to have a look at MsGlobalCitizen1 youtube channel for complete video of this trip:

I finally reached my destination of the day...The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Site.

The statue is facing the pond and the Jefferson Memorial.

Along the walls behind the statue are a few excepts from some of Dr. Kings famous speeches. Here are just a few of my favorites etched into the wall. You should take a walk along the wall yourself and reflect on this great leaders words, what he stood for and the adversity he faced.

I did not walk all the way to the Jefferson Memorial due to my time in D.C. was getting short. I did take in the view of the structure from across the pond at the Martin Luther King Jr. site...

Jefferson Memorial
Washington D.C. has numerious other monuments, exhibits, musuems, and galleries throughout the city, I've only shared a select few.  It is a good idea when visiting the area to get a site map and plan out what you would like to see each day, that way you do not get overwhelmed. Renting a car is also a great idea to enjoy the cities night life, but during the day using transit is best option train stations are within convient walking distance to each major tourist attraction. 
Other info: The tri-state area has 3 major airports BWI in Baltimore Maryland, DCA in Arlington VA, and IAD near Manassas VA. The closest ariport to downtown D.C. is the DCA location.
The easiest way to take transit to the National Mall is to use the Orange or Blue Line and exit at Smithsonia Station and walk a few blocks.
Hope this helps you navigate around the national mall a little easier when you visit. Thanks for traveling with me, don't forget to SuBScRiBe!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Determinging the Best Growth Aid(s)....

  I am a tried and true believer that its mainly a healthy body that will grow nice long strong healthy hair. I also do think some growth aids assist in stimulating growth (via keeping the scalp free of fungi, dandruff & debris) and maintaning the tresses. So when chosing growth aids I advice you to take into consideration what your own scalp and hair conditions are.
  Currently my scalp is very healthy:0)...meaning I do not have any itchy dry scalp conditions nor any build up. So I've chosen these growth aids based on what I would like to achieve with thickening my hair.
For the past 3 months I have been using a combination of:
   Pure Sulfur=Stimulates the scalp and keeps it flake free
   Jamaican Black Castor Oil= Thickens the hair from the root promotes growth
   Peppermint Oil= Refreshes the scalp and stimulates the follicles.
This is officially the length of my hair when I started using this growth aid combination

Side View

Crown View
Consistency and patience is required for best results. Message the above combination of oils onto the scalp only 1x per day. If the hair and scalp are washed often (1-2x's per week)  you are less likely to experience any oil or product build up issues. Here are the results after 3 months of constant usage.
Crown View

Side View
While the growth aids didn't perform a miracle, they did however assist in the growth. A decent progress from a low cut fade haircut to a thick healthy ear length afro in 3 months time. I am please with these results and my hair in general. But I'm back in the market for a different growth aid that I can compare the results ~vs~ the mixture I'm currently using.

I've decided to revamp the current hair regimen to include a "growth aid oil" called Gro- Aut Oil.  Feel free to click the following link for more detailed information and products offered.
I can vouch they ship quickly with standard shipping. I ordered the Gro Aut Oil Monday evening and recieved it in the mail Thursday Afternoon.

4oz bottle retails $15.49 not incl shipping
  Of course it is suggested to use the entire product line for optimal best results, but I personally will only be using the Gro Aut Oil.
My hair regimen for the next 3 months October thru December will consist of:
 Apply Bhringraj Oil to the scalp 30 min's prior to washing the hair as directed on the bottle.

4oz Bhringraj Oil
The site above also sells this oil, however I did not buy this from their company
 Co-Wash the hair and scalp every other day with HairOne Curly formula with Argan Oil. Its best to allow the conditioner to sit on the hair at least 5 mins prior to rinsing to ensure its penetrated the shaft. Prior to the final rinse with lukewarm/cool water, I prefer to Oil Rinse the hair to ensure it is tangle free with minimal snags, stress, or damage to the hair. 1x per week especially during the winter its a good idea to also deep condition the hair; leaving the conditioner on at least 15 mins. I will be using my staple One N' Only Hydration Mask with steam.

12 oz bottle retail $11.99 @ Sally's Beauty Supply
1oz sample travel pkt retail $1.99 @ Sally's Beauty Supply

 Massage only the scalp  with the Gro Aut Oil, its not intended to be used on the hair.
Then follow with adding moisture to the hair, the Gro Aut Solutions site recommends using coconut oil. However I prefer to use a winter moisture mixture that does contain coconut oil, as well as other humectant oils:

(L-R all oils are pure) Argan, Coconut, Shea Butter, Extra Virgin Olive & Vitamin E
Combined until creamy consistency and placed in small convienant airtight jar

This moisture mixture can be applied to wet or dry hair. I prefer to apply it to damp hair to enhance the curl pattern of type 4/A coils. You can either add styling products and style as desire (preferably without the usage of heat) or put on a protective wig or hair piece.
S-curl Moisture Activator and World of Curls Activator gel are my current styling products
Each retail for $2.99-$3.99 at any local beauty supply
 I look forward to updating you with the results of the Gro Aut Oil usage in 3 months.
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Thrifty Fashionista Must Haves on a Budget...and Style Tips

As prediction all spring long camel is making a big splash this fall along with  colorful faux furs going into winter season. However I don't know anyone NOT on a budget these days. So the real name of the game is being chic and in style with money still in your clutch or tote.
 So here is a tried and true fashion tip:...Step OUT of the mall and INTO the thift store. Like really... some people say they do..but ummm walking down an aisle or 2 nit picking at a few things is NOT how its done. You have too really get into those racks and me the treasures are there to be found.
 Another fashion tip:... Rock your blazer as a jacket or overcoat. Its the 80's type boxy style(minus the shoulder pads) and it works great with layering.
Here is an example of the fashion tips working together..Quality blazers that will be wore as jackets accessorized with faux furs, purchased for a beautiful price at a thrift store. Im also VERY happy to say this particular thift store helps battered and homeless I not only will look good but feel good about the "donation" as well.

Of course its the classic "It" color true camel with tortise buttons. The faux fur collar was purchased seperately and the tag states H&M but thats not where I purchased it. Both of these iteams are from the thrift store for the grand total of $5.75....YES that says five dollars & seventy-five cents!  Of course shop quality no matter where it comes from so the blazer is in fact a nice wool & mohair blend. Its a size 6 which is technically too large for me. HoWeVeR..when wearing it as a overcoat/jacket and layering it with a sweater and probably a button down, So the extra room will be needed.

Pictured below is another example of wearing a blazer as a boxy overcoat instead. This is an awesome fall color, it is a nice spin on the camel..leaning towards a more vibrant burnt orange.  Paired with a real fur scarf  and pop the collar.*PETA don't come knocking at my door, its rabbit nothing elaborate; and also a thrift store find*

Yees Yes..Yeeesss you are seeing it is actually a wool/cashmere blend...and it only cost DRUM ROLL PLEAZZZZZ!!!!.......$3.00:0)...the rabbit scarf for I think 2 bucks.

Why continue to go to the mall and spend hundreds on these seasonal looks? ....Try spending a little time in a thrift store and save yourself a pocket full of $$$.
~Cheers & Happy Shopping:0)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lets JetSet to Ghana!... A Taste of Africa

Traveling to Ghana Africa has been a long awaited trip for me. I actually was fully immunized last year...we talking 6 painful shots, including the yellow fever shot which made my left arm go numb for 4 hours:0/...But it was so worth it. I enjoyed every moment I was in Ghana. It was only a 5 day trip easy 11 hour flight from the east coast, so I definitly have to go back. What I enjoyed the most was the people. I'm actually use to Africans not really socializing with African Americans. *booo yeah Im sure SOME people are in denial and will say Im making that shit up*...however duhhh I'm a jetsetter, so that comes with a perk of experiencing different cultures interact. And MY experience has been Africans don't care to interact nor see eye 2 eye with African Americans. So when I was walking along the beach in Ghana and had someone not only smile but say " Welcome Home Sister". It caught me off gaurd. I was then filled in on a bit of history that a great number of slaves were sold from Ghana and they actually did sell their own "neighbors" for profit. The actual slave mansions exist about 2 hours outside of Ghana in Accra. These were the areas that the slaves were marched to and sized up to determine if they were fit for the voyages to Americas. If they were either too head strong or too physically weak they were killed an thrown in the ocean at that point. The ones that were chosen then were stockpiled into the slaves mansions for months until it was time for their journey. *sigh* Unfortunatly I didn't get the opportunity to visit those, I was told its quit a moving experience and learning endeaver I would never forget. I did however get to visit the W.E.B. Dubios Burial site & Musuem as well as the National Ghana History Musuem.
Here is some of that footage:
I really did enjoy everything about visiting Ghana...the people were so warm and welcoming and I cannot wait to go back.

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